.ES Domain Names

This article explains the requirements and special procedures for .ES domain names.


Anyone may register a .ES domain, however you will need to provide additional information:

  1. Registrant ID Type: You may choose to provide us any of the following identification details:
    • VAT ID (DNI or NIF): Select this option if you can provide us either your Spanish National Personal ID or your company VAT ID number;
    • Resident alien ID (NIE): Select this option if you can provide us your Spanish resident alien ID number;
    • Generic ID: Select this option if you do not have any of the above mentioned IDs, but can provide either your Passport number, any Foreign ID document number, Company Registration number, Driver’s License number, etc.
  2. Registrant ID Number: Depending upon the option you selected above, you need to provide that ID’s number here.

Renewing a .ES domain

Auto-renewal only

This TLD doesn’t support manual renewals. To successfully renew the domain, the auto-renewal feature must be enabled at least 1 month before the domain will expire, as explained in the “auto-renew only” article.

If auto-renewal is not enabled, the domain will be scheduled for removal 12 days before the expiration. The registrar can decativate it at any point during this period (even before the expiration date). It is possible to restore the domain before final deletion, but the registry will charge a redemption fee.