.SG Domain Names

This article explains the requirements and special procedures for .SG domain names.

Registration requirements for .SG domains

Individuals and companies are allowed to register .SG domains.

During registration, you will be asked for the following:

  • Registrant ID number
  • Admin ID number

If you are an individual registering a .SG domain, enter your Singpass ID in both of these fields.

If you are a company registering a .SG domain, enter your Company Registration Number in the Registrant ID number field. In the Admin ID number field, enter your CorpPass ID.

Registration requirements for .COM.SG domains

Only companies are allowed to register a .COM.SG domain.

During registration, you will be asked for the following:

  • Registrant ID number
  • Admin ID number

Enter your Company Registration Number in both of these fields.

Have more questions?

If you have more questions or need any assistance registering your .SG or .COM.SG domain, contact our support team, and we’ll be happy to help.