Forgotten Password

If you’ve forgotten your password, you’ll need a password reset link to regain access to your account. You can get a password reset link sent via email by going to the login screen and clicking the Forgot Password link.

Login Screen Forgot Password Link

On the next screen, enter the email address you used to sign up.

Enter Your Email

If a user with that email address exists, an email is sent to that address. The email contains the link you must click to enter a new password.

The email will arrive from In that email will be a link to - either copy this link into your browser, or click the link if your email client automatically enables it.

Make sure the link is to If the link is not to the website, do not use the link. Contact customer supportinstead.

Enter a new password

Once you’re on the DNSimple website, enter a new password. Your new password will be recorded, and you’ll be logged in.