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Standard vs Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificates

Table of Contents

In this article we’ll use the term standard as described in our TLS/SSL certificate page.

Comparison Let’s Encrypt vs Standard SSL certificates

The table below summarizes the most important DNSimple offering differences between Let’s Encrypt and Standard SSL certificates. These differences may help you to decide which certificate you need.

The table only reflects the status of the current DNSimple offering. Some features may be available at the Certificate Authority, but currently not supported by DNSimple.

  Let’s Encrypt Standard
Certificate Expiration 90 days 1 year
Single names Supported Supported
Custom names Supported (on certain plans) Supported
Wildcard names Supported (on certain plans) Supported
Same-domain multi-names (SAN) Supported (on certain plans) Not Supported
Multi-domains (SAN) Not Supported Not Supported
Validation type DV via DNS only DV via email only
Cost Free $20-$100
Custom CSR Not Supported Supported

What is the right certificate for me?

The following list of questions may help you to determine what is the best certificate for you. The answer is based on possible limitations of a specific certificate to fulfill the requirement. This also means that if you combine two or more questions (requirement), the results may conflict each other.

Requirement Answer
You want to secure a domain name. Let’s Encrypt or Standard
You want to provide a custom CSR Standard
You want to use a custom private key. Standard
You want to use a wildcard name. Let’s Encrypt or Standard
You want a longer expiration. Standard
You want to fully automate SSL certificate orders without manual intervention. Let’s Encrypt
Your domain is resolving exclusively with DNSimple. Let’s Encrypt or Standard
Your domain is resolving with both DNSimple and Secondary DNS. Standard
Your domain is NOT resolving with DNSimple. Standard
Your domain is NOT registered but resolving with DNSimple. Let’s Encrypt or Standard
Your domain is NOT registered ant NOT resolving with DNSimple. Standard