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Account Collaborators and Multi-User Accounts

Table of Contents

This article describes both the Account Collaborator feature and the Multi-User Account feature, and the differences between each.

Account Collaborator

Account Collaborators are deprecated. It is no longer possible to add an Account Collaborator. Instead, please use Multi-User Accounts when adding another user to your account for domain management.

Previously, account access could be granted using the Collaborator feature. The Collaborator feature only provides access to DNS management. It does not allow domain management, account management, or any other purchase action.

Multi-User Account

To have multiple users on one account, you must be subscribed to an eligible plan.

When you add a user to an account, they will have full access rights to every resource attached to the account, including domains, contacts, SSL certificates, etc.

All members will also have full-admin access to the account, including the ability to access and change billing information and account details. The user will retain their login credentials and multi-factor authentication configuration.

You can find more information about how to add a user to an account here.