Google Workspace One-click Service

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Google Workspace provides cloud-based email, calenders, and much more. With DNSimple one-click DNS services you can set up the DNS records required by Google Workspace using the one-click service we provide.

Enabling Google Workspace service

From the domain list, click on the domain name you want to update and then click on the DNS tab. Then scroll down to locate the One Click Services section, and select “Manage services”.


Select the “Productivity” tab and scroll down the page until you find the Google Workspace service. Click on the Add button.

Add Service

Now the service is added. You can remove it any time by following the steps on how to remove a service.

Setting up At Google

Make sure to verify your domain name once you have enabled the service. You can find out more about domain name verification with Google through their support site.

Verifying MX Records

Google provides a free MX record checking tool that will verify your DNS configuration and suggest improvements with links to support articles.