Guide: Getting Started With Your Team

Table of Contents

1. How to set up multi-factor authentication

To get started with your team’s DNSimple account, you should first verify that you have multi-factor authentication (MFA) set up.

If you’re an administrator for your team, we recommend enabling MFA enforcement to ensure every team member has MFA set up before they can work with your domains and DNS.

To set up MFA, follow this guide.

To enforce MFA for your team, follow these steps.

2. How to verify domain access control

If you’re a new member in an existing team account, and you don’t have full access, an administrator may need to set up access to one or more domains in the account. Contact your administrator to ensure you have access to the correct domains.

If you’re an administrator for an account, our Domain Access Control support article provides a video guide along with steps for how to set up user access and permissions.

3. Learn more about managing zones, registering domains, and other DNSimple features

Visit the Getting Started page on our support site for links to information and guides on everything you can do with your DNSimple account. If you have any questions, just contact support, and we’ll be happy to help.