Slack App

Table of Contents

The Slack app allows DNSimple customers to register and manage domains from their team’s Slack Channel. The app is available on certain plans. See the differences between plans.


Step 1: Add DNSimple to Slack

Visit to add DNSimple to your Slack channel.

Step 2: Select a Slack team

Slack Integration Step 2

Step 3: Authorise DNSimple to access your Slack team

Slack Integration Step 3

Step 4: Select the DNSimple account you want to use.

Start Slacking with the /dnsimple commands.

Domains commands

Check if a domain is available

/dnsimple check

Register a domain

Use /dnsimple register to register a domain. You can specify several options to tailor the registration to your needs.


/dnsimple register registrant=1

Registering without auto renewal:

/dnsimple register registrant=2 auto_renewal=false

Registering enabling whois privacy:

/dnsimple register registrant=3 privacy=true

Mixing it all together:

/dnsimple register registrant=1 auto_renew=true privacy=true

Some things you should know:

  1. You must specify a registrant. If you don’t you will be prompted with a list of contacts to choose from.
  2. If auto_renew is not specified it defaults to true.
  3. If privacy is not specified it defaults to false.

DNS Records commands

List the records of a domain

/dnsimple list record

We will only show information for the first 20 records. All NS and SOA records will be filtered out. If you have more than those you should use the link to see them all in the app.

Add a record to a domain

Use /dnsimple add record to add a record to a domain. You will have to specify at least the name, type and content for the record.

Adding an ALIAS record to

/dnsimple add record name=[] type=ALIAS

Adding a URL record to for the www subdomain:

/dnsimple add record name=www type=url content=

Adding a TXT record to for the _ subdomain:

/dnsimple add record name=_ type=TXT content=[record content with spaces]

Mixing it all together:

/dnsimple add record name=[] type=mx priority=10 ttl=600

Some things you should know:

  1. In order to create records in the apex you will have to pass in an empty name: name=[]
  2. White space is not allowed when providing record attributes: name=foo is valued but name = foo is not.
  3. If you have to provide a record attribute value that has white space use [] to wrap it: content=[this is a content with spaces]. Note that if you want to have any of [ or ] you will have to use the UI as there is no way to escape those characters.

Account commands

List the contacts in your account

/dnsimple list contacts

We will only show information for the first 15 contacts. If you have more than those you should use the link to see them all in the app.

You can use the contact number (under the # column) to reference contacts for other commands like the registrant when registering a domain.

List the domains in your account

/dnsimple list domains

We will only show information for the first 15 domains. If you have more than those you should use the link to see them all in the app.

Show information for a single domain in your account

/dnsimple show domain