Managing AAAA Records

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You can manage AAAA records in DNSimple using the DNS record editor.

The instructions in this article assume you’re familiar with the AAAA record format and usage.

Adding an AAAA record

To add an AAAA record

  1. In the record editor, click and select to add a new AAAA record.

  2. Enter the AAAA record information.

    • Name: the subdomain you want to create the record for, without the domain name. For example, if you want to represent enter www. Leave it blank to represent the root domain
    • IP Address: the IPv6 address the record will resolve to.

    As with any other DNS record, you can configure:

    Once you’re ready, click to confirm and create the record.

  3. The record is created and will be visible in the record list.

Updating an AAAA record

To update an AAAA record

  1. In the record editor, search for the record and click on the pencil icon to edit it.

  2. Update the information and click to save the record.

Removing an AAAA record

To remove an AAAA record

  1. In the record editor, search for the record and click on the trash icon to delete it.

  2. Confirm the dialog to delete the record.