Managing Integrated Zones

From the Domain Names page, you can view the refreshed state of your DNSimple zones alongside zones from Integrated DNS Providers.

Accessing the Domain Names page
  1. On the top-nav menu, click the tab.

    Domain Names Tab

  2. On the page, the zones in your DNSimple account and zones from Integrated DNS Providers will be listed. Click any linked zone to enter the Deployment Editor and manage the zone’s records. The labels under the DNS Zones column indicate which DNS provider(s) the zone can be managed at.

    Domain Names Integrated Zones Table

Refreshing and importing integrated zones

Loading the Domain Names page automatically refreshes the current state of integrated zones and imports any new zones and their records from linked Integrated DNS Providers that support import. The new zones and zone records will be fetched in the background upon page load, and the Domain Names page will automatically update to reflect them once ready.