Deployment Editor

From the Deployment Editor page, you can view the records and sync state for zones at DNSimple and any configured Integrated DNS Providers. The Deployment Editor page groups records together so you can easily see which records are at which DNS provider(s).

Accessing the Deployment Editor from the Record Editor page
  1. From the Record Editor page, click the menu icon next to the

    Deployment Editor Link

  2. In the popup menu, click the link to navigate to the page.

    Deployment Editor

Managing zone records in the Deployment Editor

On the Deployment Editor page, you can see which records are present at which DNS provider(s).

Managing zone records in the deployment editor

Adding a zone record in the Deployment Editor

In the deployment editor, you can add a zone record to one or more DNS providers that support the record type.

Adding a record
  1. From the Deployment Editor page, click the button and choose the type of record you’re adding.

    Deployment Editor Add Record button

  2. Enter the required infomation, and press to create the record. For each DNS provider the record should be added to, ensure the corresponding checkbox is checked. Note the record note will only be saved if DNSimple is one of the selected providers.

    Deployment Editor Add Record

Quickly add a record from one DNS provider to another DNS provider
  1. From the Deployment Editor page, choose a record to see the expanded options. If a record exists at one DNS provider but not at another, you can quickly add it to the other DNS provider by clicking the button.

    Deployment Editor quick add of record

Updating a zone record in the Deployment Editor

You can update a zone record at one or more DNS providers from the Deployment Editor.

Updating a record
  1. From the Deployment Editor page, choose a record to see the expanded options, then click the edit icon to edit the record.

    Deployment Editor Update Record button

  2. Enter the required infomation, and press to update the record. For each DNS provider the record should be updated at, ensure the corresponding checkbox is checked. For any selected DNS provider, if the record didn’t already exist there, it will be added to the provider. Note the record note will only be saved if DNSimple is one of the selected providers.

    Deployment Editor Update Record

Deleting a zone record in the Deployment Editor

You can delete a zone record at one or more DNS providers from the Deployment Editor.

Deleting a record
  1. From the Deployment Editor page, click a record to see the expanded options, then click the trash icon to delete the record.

    Deployment Editor Delete Record button

  2. Enter the required infomation and press to delete the record. For each DNS provider the record should be deleted at, ensure the corresponding checkbox is checked. Note the record note will only be saved if DNSimple is one of the selected providers.

    Deployment Editor Delete Record

Refreshing integrated zone records

If you have made changes to your integrated zone records outside of DNSimple, you can refresh their state in DNSimple using the button in the Deployment Editor.

Deployment Editor Refresh Records

Alternatively, you can visit the Domain Names page to refresh the state of all integrated zones in your DNSimple account.

Syncing zone records between DNS providers

You can sync zone records between DNS providers on the Deployment Editor page.

Syncing zone records
  1. From the Deployment Editor page, click the button.

    Deployment Editor Sync Records button

  2. In the popup, select the DNS provider that will be the source of the zone records and the destination DNS provider. Records in the destination zone can be created, updated, and deleted to make the records in the destination zone the same as those in the source zone. Note only records of record types supported at both providers will be affected, and only record field information (e.g. record TTL)supported at DNSimple will be preserved.

    Deployment Editor Delete Record